by May-Jun | Mon-Mar-2015 | Artist Muse, Blog, Inspirational Mondays
Happy Inspirational Monday! I have a song, a photographer and a tip sheet of inspiration! Enjoy!…. This song below my cellist and I are working on as a cover. I love the song how simple it is, yet it has a lot of thought put into it such as the progression of the beat, melody etc… I find sometimes that the most simple songs the most beautiful/moving. This photographer Michael David Adams absolutely inspires me. Doing underwater photography can be complicated, from lighting, camera housing, model, movement and being under water. To capture such beautiful images takes so much skill. This work inspires me to push my level of photography to a new level and try new things. We all get a little stuck sometimes. Here is a tip sheet if you ever need to get “unstuck”… Love and good melodies ...
by May-Jun | Mon-Mar-2015 | Artist Muse, Blog, Inspirational Mondays
My friend and I were looking for inspirational music to cover, she found this. Very beautiful song. It’s delicate and inspiring. Kimiko Yoshida is one of my favourite self-portrait photographers, she is able to convey high-quality abstract concepts into master pieces visually. She inspires me because she uses her self as the main centrepiece and focus to her artwork but yet she disappears into her work visually. This series she has a comma on her face, the space in between words; that give us a breath while we read. This has significance to me because when I look at music, the most talented artists I find give space to the song, they don’t need to take up every part of the song with singing and it creates a greater impact. My question to you is, what inspires you? What art and music do you like? Please share with me. Love and good melodies ...
by May-Jun | Sat-Dec-2014 | Artist Muse, Blog, Covers, Music, Photo Blog
This year a tried a lot of new things like Ariel silks, rock climbing, airBnb-ing, salsa dancing, created a 21 day photo challenge that had attendees from all corners of the world and djing. I’ve been thinking about what I loved and didn’t love, what worked and didn’t work, and of course what is it I actually want to invest my time into… Photo challenge One thing I realize is that it’s been fun trying all these new things, but what I really would like to do is narrow down my focus. I’ve been thinking a lot about how painting, drawing, singing and crafting makes me very happy. So I’m challenging myself to be as creative as I can through out my week. I identify with being an introvert. This doesn’t mean I’m shy, it means to me that I need to be alone to restore my energy. When I’m with people all the time I get tired. Last year I did a lot of new things and was very very busy meeting new people in lots of group activities. I realized that this wasn’t sustainable for myself because I need to be alone and be creative alone. So when reflecting on your new year. Here are some questions to ask yourself: What was awesome? What didn’t go so well? What do I want to improve upon? What environments and situations brought out the best in me this past year? Can I put myself in more of those situations? Can I have one focus for the year instead of 3-5? Good luck with your resolutions,...
by May-Jun | Mon-Dec-2014 | Art, Artist Muse, Blog, Inspirational Mondays
Rumi is one of my favourite poets of all times. So I’m working on having a regular meditation practice. Have you had those days when all of a sudden you hear people on the streets talking about it, you see a poster for it, you hear a radio show about it, you see it in a tv show and all of a sudden what ever you are thinking about is everywhere? It’s been like that for me about meditation for the past few days. I was taught to meditate since I was around 3 years old, and I took it for granted that it is an important aspect and ritual of my life that helps calm and ground myself. I’m the type of person that gets so excited about life; I can easily be on the go all day and night. As I’m learning the fine art of balance (a life long endeavour), I keep coming back to my meditation and the need to do it regularly. I’ve tried everything from Kundalini breath work, om meditation, guided visualization, Buddhist mediations, breathing and emptying your thoughts, and I still haven’t committed to one that works best for me regularly. I’d love to hear what kind of relaxation, meditation etc.. you do, please share! Lately I’ve been excited about: • stevia, coco powder, mint hot chocolate; • juicing experiments with ginger, apple, celery etc..; • Two words: Whole Foods; • Kombucha filled with chia; • My best friend having twins (I’m a twin and it’s my first time being around twins); • Making art; • Experimenting with colours and vibrancy (I...
by May-Jun | Mon-Nov-2011 | Artist Muse, Blog, How To, MainPage, Photo Blog
This weekend I did a few self portraits. I was really inspired by movement self portraits by this photographer that does levitation photography I decided to try movement by “whipping my hair back and forth”. I used a gold vintage belt as a head piece. I like how it looks like I’m under water. Like my hair is floating. I did some film making before with mythology pieces from the arctic as inspiration. There are stories of women that lived in the water and would steal children that would play close to the waters edge. They would take them to live with them in the water. Tech specks of the shoot: 40D Canon with a f/1.8 50mm lens iso 100, with a 580ex flash on half power on manual mode. Pictures shot in RAW and processed in light room. Played with the colour balance. I shot this in a 12×12 office space so I did bounce flash to have softer lighting. I put this on a self timer, and of course a tri-pod. I had a lamp in the spot of where I was going to be so that I could make sure I was in focus. One thing I noticed was that since my f/stop was a bit lower there was less depth of field. This means that there was a smaller area (plane of focus). So I found that with my movement I didn’t always stay in focus, but the pictures did turn out great. I also found that it’s difficult to have a calm or controlled facial expression when making fast movements with your head. So...
by May-Jun | Fri-Apr-2011 | Artist Muse, Blog, MainPage, Music, Uncategorized
So I’m apart of the China town Remixed. This is when artists collaborate with China town in Ottawa and have local art in many stores as well as performances. This year I will be posting self portraits in a store as well as performing. This is a sneak peak to what is to come. The photography concept is letting go of the idea of who you think you are. This means to me letting go of the idea of defining yourself by what you do, where you work and what you have. This is my expression of letting that go. I’ve been very inspired by other self portrait artist/photographers. My friend Richard Desmerais recommended some female photographers that are absolutely stunning. Here are there links for you to enjoy. My favorite of them all is Rebekka Gudleifs. I do photo shoots professionally. I have a great list of credentials and experience for photography and encourage you to take a look at my new website. Some of my credentials include: I have a photography diploma, I’ve shot weddings overseas, worked for many established magazines, and much more. I’m currently booking overseas weddings, local weddings, portraits and architecture shoots. Other exciting things that are coming up are: I’m doing traditional inuit throat singing for Canadian Future Achievers If you want to see my Inuit throat singing collaboration watch the video below: Canadian Future Achievers is a great organization to donate to. This is mostly private funded non for profit that gives money to minority youth that are doing an exceptional job at school. They provide financial incentives...
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