by May-Jun | Fri-Apr-2011 | Artist Muse, Blog, MainPage, Music, Uncategorized
So I’m apart of the China town Remixed. This is when artists collaborate with China town in Ottawa and have local art in many stores as well as performances. This year I will be posting self portraits in a store as well as performing. This is a sneak peak to what is to come. The photography concept is letting go of the idea of who you think you are. This means to me letting go of the idea of defining yourself by what you do, where you work and what you have. This is my expression of letting that go. I’ve been very inspired by other self portrait artist/photographers. My friend Richard Desmerais recommended some female photographers that are absolutely stunning. Here are there links for you to enjoy. My favorite of them all is Rebekka Gudleifs. I do photo shoots professionally. I have a great list of credentials and experience for photography and encourage you to take a look at my new website. Some of my credentials include: I have a photography diploma, I’ve shot weddings overseas, worked for many established magazines, and much more. I’m currently booking overseas weddings, local weddings, portraits and architecture shoots. Other exciting things that are coming up are: I’m doing traditional inuit throat singing for Canadian Future Achievers If you want to see my Inuit throat singing collaboration watch the video below: Canadian Future Achievers is a great organization to donate to. This is mostly private funded non for profit that gives money to minority youth that are doing an exceptional job at school. They provide financial incentives...
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