I like to keep things simple. These three apps are sufficient in keeping your notes, reminders and finances organized without having to shell out any money or by adding extra time or work into your life. I find this helps me free up my time and stay focused to do what I really want and love to do by helping keep me on track with my time management and goals.
- Sunrise Calendar – This to me is the most useful calendar app because the visual and functionality components to this app are cohesive and intuitive. You can see your schedule a month at a glance, it syncs to your gmail calendar and you can add reminders to your phone or email.
- Evernote – I love this note taking system because you create notebooks, add images, web clippings and or bullet points into your notes. This is great for visual artists and projects with images. It also has a feature where you can search for key words if you can’t find a note.
- Mint.com – Here you can safely sync to your bank, create budgets and if you over spend it will send you an updated notification. This is great because you don’t have to do anything manually and it’s secure. Keeps you organized and you always know where you are financially. You can pay your bills online from here and do a credit check.
While you try out these apps, here is a simple strategy for effective planning in life and business. The 80/20 rule explained in an infographic below.
Love and good melodies
Social Beast
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