Dream Love Grow

Dream Love Grow

What is Dream Love Grow? from Dream Love Grow on Vimeo.

Mailyne co-founder of Dream Love Grow and I have known each other for several years.  We both have the love for art, singing and skateboarding and giving back to our communities.

Dream love grow has a free art and multimedia workshop for A.R.T in Action.   scheduled for this February at the Pinecrest Queensway Community Health Centre in Ottawa.

We have done several collaborations over the years including a singing/painting performance at the National Gallery of Canada, music collaboration when Mai was in the Philippines and also a music video.

What’s special about Dream Love Grow?

The thing that sets them apart is that they give back to the community very generously though different endeavours.  They give back to local charities as well as international.  They inspire me so much because anything goes.  Play and following your heart seems to be an essential ingredient of their business, and also helping make the world a better place through the arts.

Do you have enough to give back now?

I’ve been listening to the inspirational self-help guru Tony Robbins in podcasts with Tim Ferris and I was totally blown away by Tony Robbins.  I really wasn’t familiar with his work before this podcast.  I was inspired by Tony’s life story about not having enough for Thanksgiving dinner and someone dropped by a huge box of food for him and the family.  This transformed his life by realizing that people (strangers) do care. When he could make enough money to give back he started giving out food for those who needed it.  I liked the podcast with Tony being interviewed because he talks about giving what you have to offer now, not waiting till later.  I use to think I would give more back to my community when I had more to give.  I’m learning you can give in which and whatever capacity you have now in the moment.  If you want to, it’s optional.  You don’t have to, but being able to give and make the world a better place is pretty incredible. Whether it’s your time, talent, money, creativity, there is someone in the world that could you benefit from even a little bit of that…. Every dollar, minute makes a difference.  What is your favourite place to give to? I’d love to hear from you.

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