by May-Jun | Tue-Mar-2015 | Blog, Techie Tuesday
I have a short attention span and was never the “star” student in my classes growing up. The school system left me feeling kinda dumb when I was a kid. I realized later that people learn differently such as through listening, doing, reading, writing, lectures etc.. The thing that was hard for me was listening to someone talk at me for hours all day. I would go off into day dream land, and go home and teach myself what I needed to know. When I had to take an independent course for high-school I almost got high 90’s to my total surprise. It turned out I can teach myself things exceedingly well. Lectures still don’t work for me and my eyes still glaze over after 15 minutes of someone talking at me (not with me). Now I don’t feel dumb, I just know it’s not the best situation for me to figure things out. So here are my top 7 tips to teach yourself anything 1. Know your learning style. People learn in different ways. 2. See if you know someone who is really good at what you want to learn. Ask them out for coffee and let them know you are interested in learning what they know. Be sure to compliment them and respect their time. Over the years I have had mentors in different fields such as photography, art, singing and music, this has helped me learn things quickly and has been really helpful in the process of learning. 3. When in doubt google or youtube “how to _______”, there are millions of tutorials online for FREE! 4. When...
by May-Jun | Mon-Mar-2015 | Blog, Inspirational Mondays
Happy inspirational Monday! I have a song I adore, spring colour pallets to freshen up your wardrobe and 12 steps to stay inspired infographic! Enjoy Love and good melodies ...
by May-Jun | Tue-Mar-2015 | Blog, Techie Tuesday
I like to keep things simple. These three apps are sufficient in keeping your notes, reminders and finances organized without having to shell out any money or by adding extra time or work into your life. I find this helps me free up my time and stay focused to do what I really want and love to do by helping keep me on track with my time management and goals. Sunrise Calendar – This to me is the most useful calendar app because the visual and functionality components to this app are cohesive and intuitive. You can see your schedule a month at a glance, it syncs to your gmail calendar and you can add reminders to your phone or email. Evernote – I love this note taking system because you create notebooks, add images, web clippings and or bullet points into your notes. This is great for visual artists and projects with images. It also has a feature where you can search for key words if you can’t find a note. – Here you can safely sync to your bank, create budgets and if you over spend it will send you an updated notification. This is great because you don’t have to do anything manually and it’s secure. Keeps you organized and you always know where you are financially. You can pay your bills online from here and do a credit check. While you try out these apps, here is a simple strategy for effective planning in life and business. The 80/20 rule explained in an infographic below. Love and good melodies photo source ...
by May-Jun | Mon-Mar-2015 | Artist Muse, Blog, Inspirational Mondays
My friend and I were looking for inspirational music to cover, she found this. Very beautiful song. It’s delicate and inspiring. Kimiko Yoshida is one of my favourite self-portrait photographers, she is able to convey high-quality abstract concepts into master pieces visually. She inspires me because she uses her self as the main centrepiece and focus to her artwork but yet she disappears into her work visually. This series she has a comma on her face, the space in between words; that give us a breath while we read. This has significance to me because when I look at music, the most talented artists I find give space to the song, they don’t need to take up every part of the song with singing and it creates a greater impact. My question to you is, what inspires you? What art and music do you like? Please share with me. Love and good melodies ...
by May-Jun | Sat-Dec-2014 | Artist Muse, Blog, Covers, Music, Photo Blog
This year a tried a lot of new things like Ariel silks, rock climbing, airBnb-ing, salsa dancing, created a 21 day photo challenge that had attendees from all corners of the world and djing. I’ve been thinking about what I loved and didn’t love, what worked and didn’t work, and of course what is it I actually want to invest my time into… Photo challenge One thing I realize is that it’s been fun trying all these new things, but what I really would like to do is narrow down my focus. I’ve been thinking a lot about how painting, drawing, singing and crafting makes me very happy. So I’m challenging myself to be as creative as I can through out my week. I identify with being an introvert. This doesn’t mean I’m shy, it means to me that I need to be alone to restore my energy. When I’m with people all the time I get tired. Last year I did a lot of new things and was very very busy meeting new people in lots of group activities. I realized that this wasn’t sustainable for myself because I need to be alone and be creative alone. So when reflecting on your new year. Here are some questions to ask yourself: What was awesome? What didn’t go so well? What do I want to improve upon? What environments and situations brought out the best in me this past year? Can I put myself in more of those situations? Can I have one focus for the year instead of 3-5? Good luck with your resolutions,...
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